Military Audiobooks
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With Zeal and With Bayonets Only
The Battle of Pilot Knob
Special Operations in World War II
Alvin York
Lessons Unlearned
The Quiet Professional
The American Military Frontiers
Savage Frontier, 1842-1845
American Spies
minimum width for cell
Change the Way You Lead Change
A Dark and Bloody Ground
Abuse of Power
A Scientific Way of War
The War of 1812 in the Old Northwest
Destroyer Captain
Leadership in the Crucible
100 Years of Air Power and Aviation
The War of 1812
Dick Cole’s War

Lee K. Abbott, Anthony C. Thompson, Anthony C. Thompson, Anthony C. Thompson, Anthony C. Thompson, Lisa Zunshine, Lisa Zunshine, Lisa Zunshine, Don Stuart, Don Stuart, Christopher M. Parsons, Don Stuart and Lisa Zunshine

Narrator to be announced

Book published by

Lee K. Abbott is Humanities Distinguished Professor in English at Ohio State University. His latest collection, All Things, All at Once: New and Selected Stories, was published in 2006.

Anthony C. Thompson is Professor of Clinical Law at New York University Law School, and the founding faculty director of the Center on Race, Inequality, and the Law at NYU. He is the author of Releasing Prisoners, Redeeming Communities.

Anthony C. Thompson is Professor of Clinical Law at New York University Law School, and the founding faculty director of the Center on Race, Inequality, and the Law at NYU. He is the author of Releasing Prisoners, Redeeming Communities.

Anthony C. Thompson is Professor of Clinical Law at New York University Law School, and the founding faculty director of the Center on Race, Inequality, and the Law at NYU. He is the author of Releasing Prisoners, Redeeming Communities.

Anthony C. Thompson is Professor of Clinical Law at New York University Law School, and the founding faculty director of the Center on Race, Inequality, and the Law at NYU. He is the author of Releasing Prisoners, Redeeming Communities.

Lisa Zunshine is associate professor of English literature at the University of Kentucky, Lexington.

Lisa Zunshine is associate professor of English literature at the University of Kentucky, Lexington.

Lisa Zunshine is associate professor of English literature at the University of Kentucky, Lexington.

Don Stuart is an attorney who advises groups regarding advocacy and political action.

Don Stuart is an attorney who advises groups regarding advocacy and political action.

Christopher M. Parsons teaches history at Northeastern University.

Don Stuart is an attorney who advises groups regarding advocacy and political action.

Lisa Zunshine is associate professor of English literature at the University of Kentucky, Lexington.

























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All titles are published by:
University Press Audiobooks
an imprint of Redwood Audiobooks

University Press Audiobooks