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The Indian Frontier, 1846-1890The Indian Frontier, 1846-1890

Revised Edition

Robert M. Utley

Narrated by Kenneth Lee

Available from Audible

Book published by University of New Mexico Press

First published in 1984, Robert Utley's The Indian Frontier of the American West, 1846-1890, is considered a classic for both students and scholars. For this revision, Utley includes scholarship and research that has become available in recent years.

Robert M. Utley is a retired Chief Historian of the National Park Service and has written over fifteen books on a variety of aspects of history of the American West. His writings have received numerous prizes, including the National Cowboy and Western Heritage Center's Wrangler Award, the Western Writers of American Spur Award, the Caughey Prize from the Western History Association, and the Samuel Eliot Morison Prize from the Society for Military History.


“Provides an excellent synthesis of Indian-white relations in the trans-Mississippi West during the last half-century of the frontier period. ”

Journal of American History

“Provides an excellent synthesis of Indian-white relations in the trans-Mississippi West during the last half-century of the frontier period. ”

Journal of American History

“Combines good writing, solid research, and penetrating interpretations. The result is a fresh and welcome study that departs from the soldier-chases-Indian approach that is all too typical of other books on the topic. ”

Minnesota History

“Robert M. Utley] has carefully eschewed sensationalism and glib oversimplification in favor of critical appraisal, and his firm command of some of the best published research of others provides a solid foundation for his basic argument that Indian hostility in the half century following the Mexican War was directed less at the white man per se than at the hated reservation system itself. ”

Pacific Historical Review

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University Press Audiobooks
an imprint of Redwood Audiobooks

University Press Audiobooks